A few weeks ago, we went on a bit of a road trip across Finland to visit five of the six sites of the Struve Geodetic Arc which stretch across the country north to south. I’d already been to Mustaviiri Island in the Gulf of Finland, the sixth site, late last year – hence only five of six. I’m currently in the process of wrapping up my graduation artworks about the Struve Arc, its ramifications for our understanding of the shape of the Earth, with a bit of the history of the concept of progress thrown in for a bit of left-field good measure.
As one of the projects is a sort of series of small(ish) models for a proposed group of monuments for the Struve Arc sites in Finland, along with our visits to the Arc sites, we also visited six granite quarries in locations near each of the Struve sites to select stone for each of the sculptures.
A small selection of photos from the trip below!